Sis, it's too heavy. You've been carrying it--all of it--far too long.
Let's unpack and get free, together.

                                          Jamila D. Hunter, PhD
Wait, Watch Her!”® is a transformational coaching community, intentionally curated for Black women who are tired + numb from suffering in silence, who want to remove the cloak of strength, and are in desperate need of a safe, supportive community to show up as you are. Here, we unpack and release the weights we've inherited and carry, deciding what's ours to hold. We rebuild on solid foundation and honor our desire for deep, lasting freedom. And we renew our commitments to self and one another.
"Wait, Watch Her!® is for you if: 
  • You need to hear the vulnerable stories of Black women asking for help, desiring to take off the cloak of strength as a badge of honor. You need to believe in the possibility, the necessity of strength and vulnerability.
  • You need to remember baptisms aren’t exclusive to water. You need to believe in the possibility of renewal and rebirth outside of traditional spaces.
  • You're ready to move beyond generational silence and avoidance.
  • You're ready to heal individual and intergenerational traumas.
  • You're curious about transformational life coaching and its holistic approach to self-development and growth.

  • Your mind is on a constant loop of making sure everyone else’s needs are met, and you’ve grown accustomed to not considering your own.
  • You want to be more intimately connected to the needs of your body, to practice sacred care and intention.
  • You're ready to create new understandings of grace, forgiveness, and trust for yourself and others.
  • You’re tired of suffering in silence. You’re ready to feel your way through, even if you have no model or understanding of what that looks like.

What's included in this transformational coaching journey?

12 Live Group Coaching Sessions via Zoom. My approach to transformational life coaching is designed as holistic, challenging, creative opportunities to shift your external circumstances and inner world toward continuous healing, embodied certainty, and alignment.


 Transformational teaching and enriching conversation, prompts, resources, accountability partners, Q&A, and invitations for continuous growth

Breakthroughs, transparency, vulnerability, safety, healing, and radical love!
"If you're feeling led to work with Jamila, this is your confirmation."

Working with Jamila has been nothing short of life changing. She is serious about her work, and (more importantly) it is clear that she is purposed for it. It's not easy work, but she is an extraordinary and gentle guide. Her influence reminds to prioritize wellness, that we deserve the grace we give to others, and that there IS a sisterhood, right here, in the physical, ready and willing to get free, together. I'm so glad our paths aligned.
Jennifer S. 

   I  didn’t think it was possible to allow others into my personal life and to experience my vulnerability. This experience has been one of my best groups to be apart of. Sisterhood is important and necessary. There’s nothing like making connections with women that are just like you, without judgment. In a world that’s not designed for us, accountability partners are the relationships that make it all make sense and help you to navigate through the daily struggles.    

Kelli Bond
"I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own."
-Audre Lorde
